So, it was obviously time for me to update again. And seeing as how I've gone and locked myself out of the house...(long story, but my sister has my keys and both she and Tim are working late tonight) I'm hanging out at Laura's house for now until Jon comes home from work and brings the keys I asked him to pick up from Tim. I'm a bonehead.
anyway, my boneheadedness has allowed me some spare time with which I figured might be a good time to get some blogging in, and after waiting for quite some time for my sister's unusually slow internet to get to the right page, I am here to type something...(maybe I'm spoiled by our internet at home, but I have not had to deal with such slowness since my days at Redeemer). Internet speed aside, I should be thankful I have access to this computer to even have something to fill my time with.
Life has been surprisingly busy lately. Many new and interesting things are happening to me lately, some of you know what they are, others of you are yet waiting to hear details, which hopefully I can pass on at some point in the near future...sooner rather than later. Tim and I did some work for Artech (a productions company we freelance for) this weekend at MissionFest Toronto. It was a long and draining weekend to say the least...crazy hours combined with moderately physical labour makes for some very exhausted people. But it was still a good time. It really helps that we get along great with the whole crew, and the work ends up being a lot of fun because of all the laughing we do.
Work continues on same as usual. We've slowly adjusted to the fact that we work for a completely new organization, and the procedural glitches that come along with such a change are gradually becoming less and less of something to stress over and more of a "oh well shit happens" kind of thing. Staffing shortages continue to be a problem, and it seems I'll be taking on a couple of evening shifts starting next week...not such a bad thing so that I can get convention work done in the mornings, and maybe just maybe catch up on that huge pile of dishes we can never seem to get through.
Speaking of convention, plans continue to move along as we get closer and closer to the date. We've got two months to go, and I'm slowly finalizing contracts with various universities and other organizations that are sponsoring us this year. There are days when I seriously think that if convention is ever going to go anywhere they're going to need to start having paid positions, especially for a job as huge as Sponsorship and Donations. Of course, getting charitable status first would be a huge help, but one step at a time I guess.
well, Jon is going to be here shortly with house keys, so I will sign off for now. Enjoy the update while it lasts, because knowing me it could be a while before I get around to this long as I remember to get my keys from Laura soon. :)