This is me. |
In 2004, during my third year at university, I had the opportunity to travel to Amsterdam in the Netherlands for a 10-day mission trip. On that trip, while walking on the outskirts of the Red Light District, there was an inscription on a wall of a building that caught my attention: "In memory of feelings felt..." I don't know what building it is, and I couldn't tell you how to find it if my life depended on it, but that quote stuck with me, and a few months later when I was creating this blog, it became my tagline. (For the record, please don't Google search the history behind the where's and what-for's of the inscription I saw, unless you want to read a really creepy story. It turns out there is an explanation behind its being posted, but it's not pretty, and in no way does it reflect what I meant this blog to be.)
Since then, this blog has become the place where I can share my thoughts and remember my feelings as I travel through this journey called "life". Writing has always been a way for me to sort through the complexity in my head, and it is my hope and prayer that by sharing some of these thoughts I might somehow touch your heart and inspire you on your journey.
I am a wife and the mother of three great kids, but above all, I am striving to be a woman after God's own heart. Life always seems to be hectic, but through it all, I know that He is holding me in the palm of His hand, guiding and directing my path.
May you know His peace, my friends.