I was awake too early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Then Nathan woke up at about 5, and while he very easily conked back out in my bed, I lay there tossing and turning and fidgeting. So I got up. I figured I'd have my morning coffee in peace for once. And then I realized that this is the perfect time to blog for a change. This is how it used to be, quiet mornings, me and my laptop, words flowing through my fingers through the keyboard onto the screen. Oh the feeling of nostalgia.
You'll have to forgive me for a slightly more melancholy tone this morning. Yesterday I finally came out of denial about the inevitable that's been coming for quite some time now. This weekend will be my last visit to my parents' old home in Chatham, and I will be saying goodbye to my childhood home and my adulthood safe haven.
There are so many memories in that place:
forts in the backyard trees
rolling down the hill on wooden wheels
tobagganning into the fence so we didn't go into the creek
skating in the winter
the tiny first kitchen
all the renovations
so many Christmases
the laughter
the tears
the fights
the games
the celebrations: birthdays, graduations, weddings, births
being a family
If you have ever had the opportunity to be at my parents' house, then you may know some of what I'm talking about. Both the house and the yard are beautiful, truly a place to rest when the storms come and a place to relax when life brings joy. I look forward to the new memories to be made in their new house, but the old house will certainly be missed. I only hope that I can do half as good a job as my parents did at making my home with my little family a somewhere that is so loved.