Well, Reuben has pneumonia. He woke up with a fever this past Saturday, and it didn't go away all day or Sunday, and still had it Monday morning. When I called the doctor's office they said to take him right to the hospital, so I got to spend my birthday in the ER! Fun yay. They ordered a chest x-ray because they heard something funny in his chest, and turns out he's got a bit of pneumonia in there. He's on antibiotics for it, so hopefully that will clear it up. He's been rather out of sorts with it, and not sleeping well either, so we're both pretty tired at this point. His fever is gone, which makes him a little more like himself again, but he still gets cranky easily and needs more naps than usual.
Otherwise not a whole lot new going on. Tim continues to be busy at work with no signs of slowing down, although they have completed the move to their new location, so hopefully he will start to be home on-time at night again. Reuben figured out how to climb stairs yesterday!! The kitty was sitting up on the landing, and he wanted at her, so up he went! Tim and I couldn't believe it...looks like I'm going to have to watch him on those things now...
Here's some updated pictures:

1 comment:
Feel better Reuben! And I hope you get some more sleep. Good to here the fever has broken, but I guess pneumonia is a long road?
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