Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Remember when blogs were a thing, and I used to write one? Or maybe you don't, as it's been six years since I last wrote, and I've made some new friends over the years. If that's you, feel free to sit a while, connect with my past and learn a little more about who I am (or was).

Some of my favourite people have started blogging again, and that, along with our current world order, has combined to give me an urge to write, if only just as an outlet to process all that's going on. Because these are times that need to be processed. And who would have ever thought we'd find ourselves here? Somehow life turned into one of those movies we always watch with a measure of horror and fascination, never really thinking it would happen to us. And yet...

Truthfully, it's been weeks that I've been thinking I need to write to sort this all out. But time has both slowed to a crawl and flown by surprisingly fast. Between adapting to a new life routine with kids doing school at home, learning a new work routine with a pandemic specific job (calling positive Covid results for the lab), and just generally coping with this odd combination of seeing nobody yet constantly connecting via social media and cell phones, somehow finding the time to actually sit down and put into words the random thoughts that float through my brain just hasn't happened. 

But I want to get better at carving out that time if only as a way to preserve my mental health and prevent too much bottling of the emotions. As an introvert, life needs to be processed, ruminated over, and typically for me, that takes some significant alone time, which I am most certainly not getting while staying home with three kids and a husband. Time to myself is in short supply these days. 

So I will try to find time to write, whether that's times like now, where every other sentence is interrupted by me giving the kids instructions on their schoolwork, or maybe it will be on an evening shift where there aren't too many calls to make (please!). Either way, I'm hoping it won't take another six years to post again. 

1 comment:

Leanmoeblogspot.com said...

I'm so glad you're blogging again! I too find it so good just to write. I really hope you can always find the time.

And you're one of my favourite people...

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