Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A random update

The last few days have found me in a rather introspective mood. I can't put my finger on what exactly has made me feel...well, off...for lack of a better word. Maybe it's the almonds I've started eating as a snack. Or maybe I'm just going through one of those weird, "things are changing and I'm not sure how I feel about it" times.

Next week I start babysitting already. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. My maternity leave is already up. I've received my final payment from EI (I think, at least according to my calculations...there might be one more smaller one coming yet...) I've given my notice to the CCAC. It's official: I'm never going back. Reuben turned 11 months old on Sunday; in a month he'll be 1 year old. I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone. My little boy is no longer a baby.

Speaking of Reuben, he continues to surprise me with the things he's learning today. Yesterday for example, he not only figured out how to open the cupboard doors in the kitchen, he also managed to climb up onto the couch all by himself, and for some reason has started this weird growling thing. He is also able to crawl under the couch if he really wants to and can pull the table away that I have blocking the stairs, so I've had to put something heavy on the legs so that he can't get up there unless I let him. (I think it's time for another gate.) He finally slept through the night again last night. I was thrilled, especially when he didn't even wake up until 8 o'clock...totally not like him. He is currently napping, and I really should be going to take a shower, but for some reason felt like updating instead. I blame the coffee...

I can tell the end of summer is here. The days have become cooler, and even though I know September can sometimes still be pretty warm, the chances are less and less likely as the days go on. Part of me is glad, b/c it's a whole lot easier for me to be motivated to go for a walk with Reuben when it's not boiling hot out, but a huge part of me hates to see fall come. I like green. And I really hate the mess the leaves make when they fall off the trees. Not to mention fall means winter is coming, and I REALLY hate winter. I am definitely not a fan of being cold...

Well, enough of that...I think I'm going to go take that shower now. Maybe one of these days I'll get better at posting here more often. But that is probably wishful thinking...

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