Sunday, June 28, 2009

Long overdue

Okay, I know. I've taken too long to post again. Luckily for you, I was catching up on reading some other blogs today, and I got the inspiration to write something again. So much has happened since last time, most importantly Kaylee Elizabeth was born on May 28, 2009 at 7:14 am. She weighed 10lb 1oz and was 55 cm long. Yes, I had a 10lb baby. All natural. The entire labour was about 3 hours long. I've been told I was born to deliver babies. I don't know about that...

She is very cute. Here are some pictures. Some of them were taken by me or Tim, some by my sister, some by my parents. Enjoy...






I have also determined that I think it's time for me to turn this blog private, meaning only the people I give permission to may see it. There's no particular reason for the switch at this time, but I'm starting to feel a little more cautious about what I put on the Internet, especially about the kids. So, I'll add whatever email addresses I can think of that I know will be reading this. If you get missed, just email me, and I'll add you...(as long as I know you)...

I know there hasn't really been a whole lot to this. I was actually feeling more inspired earlier, but then I got busy putting the kids to bed, and now I'm just tired. I do feel somewhat guilty for not writing more regularly. I wish that I was better at keeping a record of Kaylee and Reuben's lives and all the things they do, but they keep me so busy that I just don't seem to get around to it. It's one of those things that I keep putting off and saying that I'll get to it, but then never do. I should change that...


hannelle* said...

*congratulations marleah!!* kaylee is so beautiful! and what a great name!

on my night shifts i find myself linking from blog to blog... i just realized i hadn't been on your in awhile and bam! a new baby!! :)

i love your picture of reuben and kaylee -- very sweet!

Jen said...

ahhh how well I know that dilemma! There are never enough hours in the day when you're home with two kids. And when you do find a rare quiet moment the last thing you want to do is work on writing up a blog post!!

Anonymous said...

oh, the memories of a busy life with little kids. Enjoy because the next thing you know they will be grown and in school. Right now you may be thinking this will be a good thing. And I agree with the private thing about blogs what with info about your beautiful babies. Can't wait to meet Kaylee (hopefully at the family picnic)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating, Marleah. Computers are easy places to write quick updates about the kids. Much quicker than paper and pen. Maybe you can just start a file on your computer and just write down little things whenever it occurs to you. Much easier said than done. I wish I had kept a least a camping journal from 1981 onward. Oh well, I have the last 10 years at least. Anyways, that's my suggestion, cuz blogs seem to need more attention than just random quips. -mum

Angela VK said...

your children are absolutely precious. I love that last picture of Reuben and Kaylee. :)

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