Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Because I need a nap more than you need a real post

I wanted to write a good post tonight.  All the elements of a great time for writing are in place: the kids are sleeping (Nathan in his Moses basket on the couch beside me), I've got some classical music playing on the TV (to help Nathan sleep), I've got wine on the counter that is calling for me to pour a glass, and Tim won't be home from work for another hour.

But I am so very, very tired.  I'd forgotten how tiring it is to be woken up multiple time in the night to feed an infant, even if I do feed that infant while lying down and usually doze off while doing so.  I look forward to the days when Nathan gets down to that one 4AM feeding instead of maybe doing one long stretch during the evening and then being up every 3 hours till morning.

So instead of a nice post, you get this very boring little blurb of me telling me you're not getting a real post tonight.

And I'm going to lay down on the couch and take a nap until Tim gets home.

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