Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'd Forgotten

I'd forgotten just how completely physically exhausting the AOYC actually is, especially for the tech crew who spends a lot of time running around lifting and pushing heavy things. 

I'd forgotten how sore you get from using muscles you should probably be using all the time, but don't.

I'd forgotten how dirty your hands get from wrapping so many cables, how good that sandwich tastes for lunch because you're working so hard you almost forget to eat, and how incredibly painful it is to be on your feet all day for four days straight.

I'd forgotten the high that comes after a show well-done, knowing you've put your heart and soul into doing the work the best you can.

And I'd forgotten just how absolutely amazing it is to hear the voices of over 800 young people singing about amazing grace and a God that is might to save, how these youth can bring you to tears with their raised hands and their commitments to serve, and how with a few prayers, they can bring such unbelievable encouragement to their leaders.

"Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
Remember the wonders he has done..." Psalm 105:4-5A

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